Vacation Bible School 2018
Hosanna! Hosanna! Here Comes Jesus!
Hosanna! Hosanna! Here Comes Jesus! is this year’s Vacation Bible School theme. Bible Stories, crafts,
music, recreational activities and fellowship suppers will be designed to help our children develop their relationship
with Jesus and one another.
VBS 2018 will be held June 18-23. A summer supper for children, parents and teachers will be offered at 5:30 p.m.
Learning activities begin at 6:05 and continue until 8:15.
This year’s Bible Stories and learning activities focus on Holy Week events, from Palm Sunday through Easter. Each
day the children will learn a Hebrew word which captures the day’s special meaning for our faith and life together.
A volunteer sign-up sheet seeking teachers, teaching assistants, activity directors and helpers will be posted on the
narthex bulletin board by the end of the month. Registration sheets for participating children will be printed in the
May and June newsletters.
Hosanna! Hosanna! Here Comes Jesus!
Hosanna! Jesus Comes to Save Us!
Palm Sunday: Mark 11:1-11
Shammash! Jesus Comes to Serve Us!
Maundy Thursday: John 13:1-17
Ahabah! Jesus Comes to Love Us!
Good Friday: Luke 23:33-47; I John 4:7-11
L’Chaim! Jesus Comes to Give Us Life!
Easter Sunday: Luke 24:1-12
Shalom! Jesus Comes to Bring Peace!
Registration Form
VBS Archive