It’s a Miracle!
Our Awesome and Amazing Jesus
This year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) program is It’s a Miracle! Our Awesome and Amazing
Jesus. It is an original and locally-designed program highlighting familiar Bible Stories about Jesus’
miracles of love and compassion. We also learn how to share Jesus’ awesome and amazing love with
our family, friends and neighbors. Our VBS program will also feature the always popular decorating of
the Jesus Trees.
Grace’s 2015 VBS program will be held June 22-26. An evening meal will be offered at 5:30. Opening
exercises begin at 6:05, followed by music, classroom activities, crafts and recreation. Evening activities
conclude by 8:15 p.m.
Teachers, music leaders, craft coordinators, recreation leaders and helpers are
needed. It’s not too early to volunteer by signing-up on the volunteer list posted
on the narthex bulletin board. For a detailed schedule or to discover more about
volunteering, please contact this year’s VBS Director, Pastor Rice.
It’s a Miracle!
Monday: Jesus Heals a Little Boy
Tuesday: Jesus Raises a Girl from the Dead
Wednesday: Jesus and a Young Boy Feed 5000 People
Thursday: Jesus Calms a Storm
Friday: Jesus Shares His Awesome and Amazing Love with Us
Registration Form
VBS Archive