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Vacation Bible School 2007

Hang on to your life preserver! The VBS crew at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is preparing a VBS water park adventure. They are getting ready to Take the Plunge and Make a Splash with Jesus! As kids move from one whirlwind activity to the next, they will be soaking up lessons that will last a lifetime.

Kids will Take the Plunge at the Snack Shack for dinner 5:30-6:00, Raise the Reef Praises 6:05 in the Sanctuary, Craft-Away Cove, Oceans of Motion, and Bibleland Bay. It will be a week of fun and excitement sure to make a splash with kids of all ages. The twisting and turning will begin each day at 6:00 pm and end at 8:30, July 30-August 3, 2007.

To dive into the excitement, sign up at the Splash Zone pre-registration event on Sunday, April 15 in the Narthex at 216 N. Wooster Avenue. Also for pre-registration on April 15, 22, 29 are free CD’s for kids who sign up early at pre-registration. Call 330-343-6915 (church office) for more information or to do quick and easy phone enrollments.

Also each student will need a white t-shirt for Monday July 31, 2007 for the logo on the t-shirt. Please add the child’s name to the tag with black permanent marker.


Directors are:
Linda McFadden
Dana Lewis
Beckie Grafe


VBS Archive



E-mail: gracehappens@gracedover.org

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dover, Ohio
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