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Vacation Bible School 2008

We’re excited about this summer’s Vacation Bible School to be held August 4-8. Son-Harvest County Fair is a week of fun on the farm!

In SonHarvest County, children will discover how to grow the fruit of the Spirit. Specifically, children will learn to Grow Love, Sprout Joy, Plant Peace, Produce Patience, and Pick Kindness. We will be having a great time with lively songs, skits, crafts, games, and Bible stories – all of the things that make Vacation Bible School so much fun. On top of that, we will be helping children grow the fruit of God’s Spirit.

SonHarvest County Fair can be an inspirational and educational experience for the entire family. Look for registration information coming soon and plan to join us for a great time at SonHarvest County Fair!


Please save 2-liter pop bottles, rinsed for Vacation Bible School.

Bottle caps are needed for the craft activity! Please remove the caps and place in a separate bag. Thank you!


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E-mail: gracehappens@gracedover.org

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dover, Ohio
Copyright 2000 - 2016
ELCA Small