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Vacation Bible School 2013

Let Your Light Shine for Jesus

Grace Lutheran offers you a wonderful opportunity to shine forth with the love of Jesus as 2013 VBS volunteer. Children from our congregation and neighborhood
will be gathering for food, friendship, fun and learning the last week of June. We need your “glowing touch’ to make it a brilliant success.

This year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) program is Shine, Jesus, Shine! It is an original and locally-designed program highlighting familiar Bible Stories showing us how God
brightens our days with His love. We also learn how to “let our lights shine” in our love for one another. One of our most important ministries to our youth and neighborhood young
people is VBS.

This year’s program will include an evening “light show.” It will also feature the always popular decorating of the Jesus Trees.
Grace’s 2013 VBS program will be held June 24-28. An evening meal will be offered at 5:30. Opening exercises begin at
6:05, followed by music, classroom activities, crafts and recreation.

We are especially pleased to offer an adult class this year! Mrs. Linda McFadden will lead a Bible study and learning
discussion featuring the Christian film Courageous. It will explore how the choices we make not only affect ourselves but
deeply impact our children and our community.

Teaching assistants, music leaders, craft assistants, recreation leaders and kitchen staff are still needed. It’s not too early to
volunteer by signing-up on the volunteer list posted on the narthex bulletin board. For a detailed schedule or to
discover more about volunteering, please contact this year’s VBS Director, Pastor Rice.

VBS Wrap Up

Form is interactive: complete the form online, print and sign.

Shine, Jesus, Shine!
Monday: Let There Be Light! God creates the sun, moon and stars.
Tuesday: Follow the Light! God leads his people by a great cloud and fiery pillar.
Wednesday: Celebrate the Light! The Wise Men follow the star and find Jesus.
Thursday: Live in the Light! Jesus is the light of the world.
Friday: Share the Light! Jesus calls us to be the “light of the world.”

VBS Archive



E-mail: gracehappens@gracedover.org

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dover, Ohio
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