Vacation Bible School 2014
WVBS: Your Good News Station
This year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) program is WVBS: Your Good News
Station. It is an original and locally-designed program highlighting familiar Bible Stories
showing us how Jesus is the Good News for our lives. We also learn how others have shred
the Good News with others. VBS is one of our most important ministries to our youth and
neighborhood young people.
This year’s program will include evening “newscasts” and explore the many ways we share
news with those around us. It will also feature the always popular decorating of the Jesus
Grace’s 2014 VBS program will be held June 23-27. An evening meal will be offered at 5:30.
Opening exercises begin at 6:05, followed by music, classroom activities, crafts and recreation.
Teachers, music leaders, craft coordinators, recreation leaders and helpers are needed. It’s not too early to volunteer by
signing-up on the volunteer list posted on the narthex bulletin board. For a detailed schedule or to discover more about
volunteering, please contact this year’s VBS Director, Pastor Rice.
WVBS: Your Good News Station
Monday: Jesus Shares the Good News with His New Jewish Friend (Nicodemus)
Tuesday: Philip Shares the Good News with an Important African Official
Wednesday: Peter Shares the Good News with an Italian Centurion (Cornelius)
Thursday: Paul Shares the Good News with His Greek Jailer
Friday: We Share the Good News with our American Family, Friends and Neighbors
VBS Archive
E-mail: gracehappens@gracedover.org