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Vacation Bible School 2017

Jesus Knows Me and Loves Me, Too!

Jesus Knows Me and Loves Me, Too! is this year’s Vacation Bible School theme. Bible Stories, crafts, music, recreational
activities and fellowship suppers will be designed to help our children develop their relationship with Jesus and one another.

VBS 2017 will be held June 19-23. A summer supper for children, parents and teachers will be offered at 5:30 p.m. Learning
activities begin at 6:05 and continue until 8:15.

This year’s Bible Stories and learning activities focus on Jesus’ childhood and his relationships with other children. We are reminded that Jesus knows me because he was a child, just like me. And, we hear and learn how Jesus loved children, just like me.

A volunteer sign-up sheet seeking teachers, teaching assistants, activity directors and helpers will be posted on the narthex bulletin board by the end of the month. Registration sheets for participating children will be printed in the May and June newsletters.

Jesus Knows Me and Loves Me, Too!
Monday: Jesus Was Born a Baby, Just Like Me. (Luke 2:1-6)
Tuesday: Jesus Knew Danger and Scary Times, Just Like Me. (Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23)
Wednesday: Jesus Learned His Lessons, Just Like Me. (Luke 2:41-52)
Thursday: Jesus Cared for Others, Just Like Me. (John 4:46-54)
Friday: Jesus Knows Me Celebration: Covered Dish Dinner & VBS Program

Registration Form

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E-mail: gracehappens@gracedover.org

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Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Dover, Ohio
Copyright 2000 - 2016
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